Sunday, 15 September 2013

Facebook Terrorists

  Do this or else. You better do this or the world will come down upon you. If you don't do as I ask there will be hell to pay. I have it on good knowledge that something will go horribly wrong if you don't do this. Ah, threats. We have all received threats. How did they make you feel? The pit of your stomach rise a bit? Pupils dilate?  Does it stimulate your Hypothalamus , the part of the brain responsible for balancing stress and relaxed states?  Is it alerted of danger and sends a signal to your adrenal glands which activates the sympathetic system?  Has adrenaline and noradrenaline been released by the adrenal medulla which has raised your heart rate,  increased respiration,, slowed down digestion, allowed blood to flow more easily, carrying more oxygen and energy to your muscles and your nervous system has sent signals to your muscles to contract? Threats also lead to anger, even by the recipients of said threats.

  These threats seem harmless, but they are based on fiction, magic and superstition(I guess I really said the same thing three times). Facebook posts churned out by the hundreds it seems. By sites and people that think they are doing good or believe that this woo works. I haven't looked in to where these silly quotes come from because I really don't want to be angry all the time and to think that all these people can be so stupid. How can you post these things without really reading it or thinking.

  One says: Say this slow "God I love you and I need you." Now if you meant it Repost & a miracle will happen tonight. Ignore and all will go Wrong. Hmm? There is several things wrong  with this. First off, God? When is the last time this genie has granted you a wish?  If everything is ok in your life wouldn't a wish be a little greedy. I have wished that all pain and suffering to children stop several times, but that hasn't come true yet. 0 for 1. Then the threat. All will go wrong if you ignore it.  What is this?  What kind of person creates this, especially that you have to repost this? Is God a Moderator on Facebook(I hope that doesn't catch,  it  is pretty novel)? Could I get away with a like threat?  "Make a wish that God will make you famous and rich where you will ignore all the people less fortunate than you with the money you will be making for doing nothing. Repost this and you get your wish. If you ignore I will come to your house and will bust all your teeth and fingers and make you pick up your teeth. Have a good day!"

  Some go on tirades about being a good parent and such and share if you are. What if  I am not? What if  I have given my kids candy before they have went to bed or have gotten them to open back doors into liquor stores because they don't have their fingerprints in a database yet? In doing all this I have shared the post. I guess the Armageddon horns will sound......Hmmm? Nothing yet.

  Other ones go on about this burned child or kid with cancer and share or repost this image. NO! (explicative deleted) YOU! Most people know about such things because they watch the news or know someone or have experienced this first hand. Why would I repost this so people can see this image. Is it going to help the poor child? Does it say please donate to this cancer research or this hospital? No! It wasn't even created for knowledge that said stuff was happening. It was probably created to get more hits on a website ergo more revenue. That sounds altruistic. And I love it when they have God attached to it in some way. Like, pray and repost to save this child. Why didn't God do that in the first place? Does He(It) hate your child or just you? Would you save this child if you had  magic powers? I am sure you know that answer. Now we know who'd be and be a better God.

  Don't threaten me. You don't know who I am. You don't know what I am thinking or why I didn't repost your crazy post. Why should I? You are just a scamming hack in the guise that you are doing or portraying some good with your charlatan quotes and posts. You are pouncing on the weak and poor people who can't see through your wicked ways. Maybe you just don't know the evil you are doing, but I think the ones penning the original post know what they are doing. 

 Any man who is a man may not, in honor, submit to threats or violence. But many men who are not cowards are simply unprepared for the fact of human savagery,

 Jeff Cooper

Sunday, 8 September 2013

The Karma Unicorn

 The universe seems neither benign nor hostile, merely indifferent.
-Carl Sagan

 Some of you may believe in Karma. Where some mystical force tries to balance everything out. Tries to set straight all the evil in the universe with some good. It catches up with this evil person and effects them in a negative way to right what wrong they have done to you, thus saving the day....The universe doesn't care. Why should it? It isn't alive in the sense that we are alive. It doesn't have a conscience. We are part of the universe so how come all or just one of us  doesn't have sway in what happens all over the cosmos? Like, I want a meteor to hit a certain evil country because they do bad things? Or maybe it is all the Suns in the galaxy that control our lives. Well, yes, but not in the Karma sense. They are just nuclear furnaces. How the hell do they control anything other than heat and some gravity? There must be something.....or maybe it is nothing at all. Like, I said the universe does not care about you. Just like Time doesn't. You can't ask Time to take revenge on someone or get you an A in Math or get you a girlfriend. No, Time just does what it always does, trudge along. Never stopping. Just bulling its way through everything.

Karma is a supposed mystical force that guides everything according to my wildly flippant view on Hindu mysticism. Created(or dreamed up) thousands of years ago other religions also believe in it. Like, Buddhists and Taoists to name a few. It employs the thought of cause and effect. If you do something bad something bad will happen to you...later on...maybe...if a God finds it fit. Uh, okay. Something will always happen to you later. If I break a window in the barn and my mom finds out later. She will chase me around the kitchen and living room  in a circle with a ruler and catch me. Or I never get caught(didn't happen). Or I die later on in life. Which, I guess would be Karma catching up to me. Bullocks! It was fine(I guess) to believe in this thousands of years ago or hell just over one hundred, but now, today? We are supposed to have a better understanding of the universe now, more scientific. Back then the sun rose, it was magic. If you didn't know the answer it was god or leprechauns. Use some critical thinking.

I have noticed some people posting things online to the effect: She got what she deserved. Karma, baby. That is a rather vengeful thought. Sure that person did something horrible to you, but vengeance isn't a very nice thing either. In taking glee at someone else s misfortune, though they did you wrong, isn't that inciting the Karma machine to enact against you? Or it doesn't work that way?  You are exempt from that? How? Is there a little loophole? It is fine to happen to you, but not me? And what about all the other times your Karma buddy didn't help you out? Did you post those? Someone cut me off, but they didn't die in a horrible crash. Damn them! They can get away with murder!

  There is no mystical force guiding the universe. Sorry to speak in hyperbole(I guess no irrefutable evidence yet). If you believe in Karma than why not Unicorns or Santa, the Easter Bunny, aliens that have visited only a select few, 90% of all conspiracy theories? Most of these were childhood beliefs that you have abandoned. They were fun at the time, but we all grow up...some of us anyways(not me). Now if you excuse me I have to post on Facebook that Santa got his by being impaled by a unicorn for not getting me a Sega Genesis when I was a kid. Karma, baby!

 Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.
-Albert Einstein